EMS Cross Stitch Design

Counted Cross Stitch - Copyright Faq

Copyright Faq

Frequently asked questions and answers regarding copyrights in the needlework industry.

Please read to understand what is and is not allowed under copyright rules.


Copyright - Frequently asked questions

Q: What is a 'free' pattern ?
A: This is a pattern a designer gives for free downloading. The design itself is - of course - copyrighted and the sole property of the designer. The copyright law applies to the 'free' charts in all points.

Q: May I sell a finished cross-stitch piece of a EMS design?
A: This is acceptable but only in small quantities (no more than 3).
Ideally, pieces should be sold for Charity or given as a gift.

Q: May I sell a used pattern?
A: Yes, the original pattern may be sold. as long as no copy of the design is kept.

Q: May I trade a used pattern? [Trading means exchanging no money]
A: As a general rule, yes, patterns may be traded.
Trading is allowed for originals only. You can not trade (send) a copy and keep the original.

Q: May we donate a used chart?
A: If the orignal is donated, yes.

Q: May I share a pattern from the free download area with a friend who doesn't have access to the internet ?
A: As a general rule: No. You can ask the designer for permission and most designers will not refuse your request.

Q: Please define an "exchange" featuring EMS Designs [Round Robin, Group Project]
A: All variations of the chart must stay with the original owner.

Q: May I change an EMS pattern?
A: Changes are allowed for personal purposes only.
Changed patterns may not be published in any way, nor claimed as "own" design.
The designer can not be held responsible for changed patterns (such as different color combinations, added text, etc.)

Q: May I copy a purchased pattern?
A: Working copies or enlargements are not allowed but tolerated by most designsers for personal use only.


 Needlework Copyright

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All content, designs and graphis on this site are copyright © Ellen Maurer-Stroh. All rights reserved